Friday, October 4, 2024

Fledgling: A Book Review

The futuristic dystopian world was so interesting. I felt immersed in the world once I understood all the politics and futuristic technology.

I also loved all the POVs. There wasn't a single POV that I had to trudge through. Each character had so much going on for them, and I LOVE when there's a villain POV.

The plot was engaging and tense! Once I picked it up, I had a hard time putting it down. The story sets up for an interesting sequel.

However, I did have some dislikes. The writing had some distracting quirks in its style as well as grammar, and one sentence near the end ruined my whole mood with the story. I'm still angry about what happened in that sentence, and don't understand why it had to happen. What was the point?

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 4
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Thank you, Penguin Teen, for the arc!

Trigger/Content Warnings: one fade to black, violence and murder, torture

Knitovation Stitch Dictionary: A Book Review

I’ve been seeing this book used by fellow knitters and designers, so I thought I’d feature it as well! What a versatile and inspiring book to add to your knitting book collection. There are so many motifs in here, and the pages are beautiful and well laid out. I can’t wait to use some of these for some colorwork socks!

There’s also a section for patterns as well as colorwork knitting tips and which yarns/colors work best. This really is such a useful knitting book, one that I’ll be reaching for over and over for years.

Overall: 5 stars

Thank you, Interweave, for the review copy!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Heir: A Book Review

What a joy to be back in this world from Sabaa Tahir! The magic, politics, and cultures in this world are so expansive and interesting, so I'm pleased she is exploring more of this world with new and old characters.

It really warmed my heart to see characters from An Ember in the Ashes series again. There was a good balance in how much we see them and how they influence events, but they also took a backseat so the new generation could take the spotlight. All the new POVs were interesting, and I love seeing them meet up through the story.

The plot is tense, there's some great character growth, and of course there's a cliffhanger at the end. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it whenever I picked it up. However, I never felt fully sucked into it. I often forgot about the story when I put it down and never felt the urgency to see what happens next. (I'm not sure if this is the fault of my weird reading mood or the book.) But I'm still looking forward to the sequel!

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 4
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Thank you, Penguin Teen, for the arc!

Trigger/Content Warnings: one vague open door, graphic violence and murder (including children), abuse, torture, sexual assault (vague on-page), genocide

Monday, September 9, 2024

Once Upon a Boy Band: A Book Review

Nobody writes celebrity romances like Jenny Proctor. She really spends the time to understand what a celebrity's perspective could look like, and how hard living with fame can be. It adds so much tension and originality to a romance. Celebrity romances are quickly becoming my favorite because of Jenny Proctor!

Laney and Adam are wonderful characters to spend time with. Their relationship grows organically, and I love their communication and support of each other. Every scene with the two of them is really sweet, and I love seeing them grow together through overcoming their own issues and relationship issues too. 

My one critique is I wanted more justice for a "bad guy" in the end. It seemed like everything was solved really quickly and easily, and I wanted more push and pull to have closure and be satisfied with the ending. But otherwise, this book was really cute and another win for Jenny Proctor!

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 5
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Thank you, Jenny Proctor, for the arc!

Trigger/Content Warnings: past parent death from cancer, kisses

Monday, September 2, 2024

So True a Love: A Book Review

Right away, I was entertained and captivated by the suspense with the robbery! I love that Verity is fearless and determined to solve it. And I love Verity and Nathaniel's banter and friendship as they work both in competition and together to solve the mystery. Their relationship unfolds naturally and beautifully, and I loved the quiet moments they shared together.

Overall, the plot is quick and engaging, and there's some great character growth in the main characters overcoming their pasts to deal with the present. It's a perfect, quick regency read that feels unique and is memorable. 

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 4
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Thank you, Shadow Mountain, for the arc!
Releases September 3, 2024

Trigger/Content Warnings: mild violence, kidnapping, kisses

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Monsoon Rising: A Book Review

Words are FAILING ME with how much I loved this sequel!!!! The Hurricane Wars was one of my favorite books last year, so I had pretty high expectations for A Monsoon Rising. And let me just say, this sequel hit every. single. mark. 

The romantic angst is still there, but there's so much of Alaric and Talasyn working together too. It made my heart MELT. They are constantly in a push and pull with each other, so there was always tension to keep me hooked. I loved them examining their past traumas with each other and tentatively trying to figure out their feelings as well as where their loyalties lie. It's a perfect mix for an engaging, romance-heavy plot.

Not to be outdone, thought, is the actual saving-the-world plot. The inevitable threat of the end of the world also ramps up the tension, so even though there's not a lot of action or fighting scenes, I still felt like I couldn't put this book down easily. And also . . . the PLOT TWISTS?? THAT CLIFFHANGER ENDING THAT WAS EVEN WORSE THAN HURRICANE WARS?!?!?!?!?!? I need the next book right now!!!!!!

This series has the potential to be in my top 3 favorites of all time. I love the emphasis on the romance, it has all the Kylo Ren and Zuko vibes with the MMC that my heart could want, and I am entertained and engaged the entire time while reading. I love these books with all my heart.

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 5
Plot/Movement: 5
Character Development: 5
Overall: 5

Thank you, Avon and Harper Voyager, for the arc!
Releases Dec 10, 2024

Trigger/Content Warnings: parent abuse, fighting and violence, death, three open door scenes

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Rebel Summer: A Book Review

A new, cute romance from Cindy Steel! I love the small island setting with everyone knowing everyone, the fun outdoor activities, and all the summer vibes. The characters themselves have depth too. Dax and Ivy each have some past trauma they haven't fully gotten over, and I love that Cindy Steel used this to bring the two of them together. Give me all the supportive, cute relationships! 

This book has a fun and unique plot too. It seemed a little too silly to me sometimes, but that may be the serious realist in me. But I won't deny that it held my attention. I think this book is the perfect beach read—not too serious, but something you can easily sit and enjoy.

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 4
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Thank you, Cindy Steel, for the arc!
Releases July 31, 2024

Trigger/Content Warnings: parent manipulation, sibling abandonment, mild sexual assault, kisses