Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel: A Book Review

Image result for spellbook of katrina van tassel

I can't remember the last time a book made me sob. Perhaps this had to do with the fact that I finished it late at night, when emotions are always more present. Or perhaps because this was an EMOTIONAL and FABULOUS book.

This wonderful piece of literature explores the story of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving from a woman's perspective: Katrina Van Tassel. A fascinating idea, yes? It follows all the major plot points of the short story: the competing love of Ichabod Crane and Brom Bones, the Headless Horseman, hauntings, etc. However, Alyssa Palombo adds in her own elements such as an amazing friendship between Katrina and Charlotte, rumored to be a witch, and pure EMOTION that I feel is missing in the original tale. Hence the sobbing. And the inability to put this book down for four hours. I'm not kidding.

As with every book, I have some reservations with it. First, lots of present sex scenes, which was uncomfortable for me. And frankly, not needed. However, they can easily be skipped. Also, is it possible to hate a character so much that you want to tear the pages of the precious book you hold in your hands? I. Hate. Brom. Bones.

All in all, this book lives up to the tale of Sleepy Hollow. Perfect book for Halloween, and perfect if you don't want to sleep, eat, or take bathroom breaks. Alyssa Palombo's voice is engaging, historically accurate, and refreshingly original. And beautiful. Her characters are real, heartbreaking, and seem to leap off the page. A truly masterful book.

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 5
Plot/Movement: 5
Character Development: 5
Overall: 4*

Would I recommend? YES, though hesitantly to readers who, like me, could do without sex scenes.  *This is why its ultimate score is a 4 out of 5.  Though it's a great read for those who love mystery, romance, magic, witchcraft, suspense, and solid writing.

For more ratings and reviews and to see what I'm currently reading, visit my Goodreads page here!