Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Queen's Resistance: A Book Review

I loved this book, even more than the first one! I couldn't put it down. 

Continuing Cartier and Brienna's story was an amazing decision on Rebecca Ross's part. After finishing the first book, I wanted more from their story and their relationship. The Queen's Resistance explored their relationship more fully and gave it the challenges it need to grow. I also loved having chapters in Cartier's point of view. I feel like this change was needed for the plot of the book, but also for the reader to connect and understand him more as a character.

The pacing of this book was incredibly active, engaging, and interesting. I find it refreshing that, at the end of book one, Isolde didn't simply become queen overnight. In reality, there would be some resistance. I liked exploring that through this book.

A fantastic sequel to The Queen's Rising. This sequel will go in the list of "sequels that are better than the first."

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 4
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Would I recommend? Yes!

For more ratings and reviews and to see what I'm currently reading, visit my Goodreads page here!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Where the Forest Meets the Stars: A Book Review

You know how some books fall into your lap at the perfect time you need them? This is one of those books. I wasn't expecting a lot from this book, especially because I read next to no reviews and hadn't heard anything about it, but I ended up loving it. (I received this book for free through Amazon's First Reads program.)

The characters in this story are dear to my heart. I felt so close to Jo and loved learning about her life through the story. She is an extremely likable character and it's easy to get under her skin and feel like you're sharing her story. Gabe is another character like that. He is also easy to love and his relationship with Jo was one of my favorite arcs of the book. Their relationship had my favorite elements: sarcastic and witty one-liners, working through some tough histories and lingering trials together, and some slow-growing chemistry. And I can't forget Ursa, who completes the character trio. I normally dislike the all-knowing kid trope, but Ursa didn't seem smart-alecky or moral enough to bug me. In fact, I grew to like her too, and what she did for Jo and Gabe.

This story was intriguing and refreshing, and kept me reading through grammar classes and late at night. It's a book that I haven't read or seen before, and it truly touched my heart with its themes of love (not just romantic), nature, kindness, patience, hope, and acceptance.

I hope I won't ever forget this one. I think it's a definite re-read down the road. HIGH four stars.

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 4
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 5
Overall: 4

Would I recommend? YES, especially if you love feel-good books.

For more ratings and reviews and to see what I'm currently reading, visit my Goodreads page here!