Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Introverted Fangirl

Guess what? I met Colleen Houck. THE Colleen Houck, author of the Tiger’s Curse series, Reawakened series, and her newly-released book The Lantern’s Ember.

For the first time in my twenty-year-old life, I participated in a book signing where I met Colleen Houck. Fangirl style.

In promoting her newest book, The Lantern’s Ember, she came to Barnes & Noble in Orem, Utah for a book signing. Even in the midst of all my textbooks to read, papers to write, and assignments to complete, I put them aside for the evening.  I just had to be there.

I’ll let you in on a little secret about how much I love Colleen Houck. I have read her Tiger’s Curse series FIVE times in the past four-ish years. Houck’s writing is familiar and clear and her characters are relatable, interesting, and lovable. Also, the whole India-based mythical plot is a delight to read. The chance to meet Colleen Houck was too much to ignore.

With two of my favorite books from the Tiger’s Curse series in hand (Tiger’s Curse and Tiger’s Voyage), I sat near the back of the small book signing, on the edge of my seat.

Then, there she was. Dressed in full Halloween gear: a black corset, vibrant orange shirt, a black tulle skirt, stockings, buckled shoes, and a small top hat pinned to the side of her hair. And I stared open-mouthed and smiling, like a proper fangirl.

Colleen Houck started the event by pitching her new book, The Lantern’s Ember, which I have reviewed here. And while I didn’t love The Lantern’s Ember as much as the Tiger’s Curse series, I love Houck enough to make up for anything she writes.

After the pitching, she answered questions. At this moment, I failed as a fan girl, too shy to ask any question. But I did write down much of what she said. Here are a few points that I loved:

  •  Her favorite character to write out of all the books she’s written is Mr. Kadam. My heart almost burst when she said this. I love Mr. Kadam (from the Tiger's Curse series)

  • When asked about writer’s block, Houck said writers don’t get to have writer’s block. A writer must treat writing like a real job. You don’t go into a real job and say, “I’m not feeling it today, I think I’ll just not work.” If treated like a real job, a writer can get the work done.

  • For inspiration, Houck has huge databases where she keeps phrases from books she likes, pictures from Pinterest, snippets of research, and anything else that could create inspiration during a rough writing day. 

As a writer, I took these last two points to heart.  It's a special thing to receive writing tips from one of your favorite authors.

Then the giveaways. By some stroke of luck, both me and my husband won Reawakened purses filled with Halloween candy. With our goody purses slung on our shoulders and my books in my arms, we made our way to the signing line. I stamped my books with official Tiger’s Curse stamps (*squeal*), and then came the moment the fangirl in me had been waiting for: the signing.

I stood silent and in awe as Colleen Houck wrote my name, a short note, and her signature in my Tiger’s Curse books. As an afterthought, I also gathered the Reawakened series off the shelf and had her sign those too. Before leaving, I shyly asked for a picture and then walked away, having said nothing I’d planned to say.
I discovered something about myself from that book signing. I am, irrevocably, an introverted fangirl. As Colleen Houck wrote my name with flowing handwriting in one of my favorite books, I was shrieking inside. But I let none of that show. I’m an introvert, through and through.

Sure, if I could go back, I would try to fangirl by gushing about how much I love the Tiger’s Curse series and how impressed I am at her world-building and plot ideas and how we should be best friends. But I am equally content with how things actually went.  It was special enough for me to meet one of my literary heroes.

I can’t wait to start the Reawakened series after I’m finished with all my textbooks to read, papers to write, and assignments to complete. If you want to read Colleen Houck, start with Tiger’s Curse series. You’ll love the romantic, Indian-themed, mythical fantasy. Then please cross your fingers with me that she comes back to Utah for another signing soon, because meeting her a second time would be just as exciting as the first.

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