Monday, June 17, 2024

Beneath These Cursed Stars: A Book Review

Absolutely loved being back in this world after the previous duology. It's such an immersive and expansive universe with lots of fae/human places to explore. And I loved that this time we could experience everything through Brie's sister, Jasalyn. She definitely deserved her own story after what she went through in the previous duology! Jasalyn is a character you instantly want to root for after all her trauma and subsequent mental health challenges. She has her own quiet strength that you see blossom through the story. I can't wait to find out even more about her in the sequel to this!

There are plenty of big reveals in this book, and even a new POV with Felicity and her hidden identity romance with Misha. I did get frustrated with how long the hidden identity went on, but overall the book kept me entertained, and of course left me on a cliffhanger. I'm anxiously awaiting the next book!

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 5
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Thank you, HarperTeen, for the arc!
Releases July 30, 2024

Trigger/Content Warnings: past torture and trauma, mild violence and murder, one vague open door scene

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