Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Monsoon Rising: A Book Review

Words are FAILING ME with how much I loved this sequel!!!! The Hurricane Wars was one of my favorite books last year, so I had pretty high expectations for A Monsoon Rising. And let me just say, this sequel hit every. single. mark. 

The romantic angst is still there, but there's so much of Alaric and Talasyn working together too. It made my heart MELT. They are constantly in a push and pull with each other, so there was always tension to keep me hooked. I loved them examining their past traumas with each other and tentatively trying to figure out their feelings as well as where their loyalties lie. It's a perfect mix for an engaging, romance-heavy plot.

Not to be outdone, thought, is the actual saving-the-world plot. The inevitable threat of the end of the world also ramps up the tension, so even though there's not a lot of action or fighting scenes, I still felt like I couldn't put this book down easily. And also . . . the PLOT TWISTS?? THAT CLIFFHANGER ENDING THAT WAS EVEN WORSE THAN HURRICANE WARS?!?!?!?!?!? I need the next book right now!!!!!!

This series has the potential to be in my top 3 favorites of all time. I love the emphasis on the romance, it has all the Kylo Ren and Zuko vibes with the MMC that my heart could want, and I am entertained and engaged the entire time while reading. I love these books with all my heart.

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 5
Plot/Movement: 5
Character Development: 5
Overall: 5

Thank you, Avon and Harper Voyager, for the arc!
Releases Dec 10, 2024

Trigger/Content Warnings: parent abuse, fighting and violence, death, three open door scenes

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