Monday, September 2, 2024

So True a Love: A Book Review

Right away, I was entertained and captivated by the suspense with the robbery! I love that Verity is fearless and determined to solve it. And I love Verity and Nathaniel's banter and friendship as they work both in competition and together to solve the mystery. Their relationship unfolds naturally and beautifully, and I loved the quiet moments they shared together.

Overall, the plot is quick and engaging, and there's some great character growth in the main characters overcoming their pasts to deal with the present. It's a perfect, quick regency read that feels unique and is memorable. 

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 4
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Thank you, Shadow Mountain, for the arc!
Releases September 3, 2024

Trigger/Content Warnings: mild violence, kidnapping, kisses

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