Monday, September 9, 2024

Once Upon a Boy Band: A Book Review

Nobody writes celebrity romances like Jenny Proctor. She really spends the time to understand what a celebrity's perspective could look like, and how hard living with fame can be. It adds so much tension and originality to a romance. Celebrity romances are quickly becoming my favorite because of Jenny Proctor!

Laney and Adam are wonderful characters to spend time with. Their relationship grows organically, and I love their communication and support of each other. Every scene with the two of them is really sweet, and I love seeing them grow together through overcoming their own issues and relationship issues too. 

My one critique is I wanted more justice for a "bad guy" in the end. It seemed like everything was solved really quickly and easily, and I wanted more push and pull to have closure and be satisfied with the ending. But otherwise, this book was really cute and another win for Jenny Proctor!

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 5
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Thank you, Jenny Proctor, for the arc!

Trigger/Content Warnings: past parent death from cancer, kisses

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