Saturday, July 1, 2017

6 Things Learned from Freshman Year

Something I'm really looking forward to in the next year is starting my Sophomore year in college studying English. I am ecstatic to be almost done with my generals and I can't wait to finally be writing English essays, reading the classics, and becoming a part of the reading and writing culture. That being said, I've thought a lot about my first year of college, starting in June of 2016. Here are 6 things I've learned from my Freshman year.

1. Life doesn't always go how you plan it. Visit my posts 10 Reasons to Get Married Early and Why Plan to read more.

2. Taking notes with a laptop and wifi connection equals loss of attention in class and ultimately low test scores, in my opinion. I found I was most successful when I took notes the old fashioned way - notebook and pen. Rewording, drawing pictures, and not being distracted by Facebook, Pinterest, or Amazon really helped a lot.

3. Studying for tests takes a lot more time than you think. I started studying for “easy” classes a week before. The “hard” classes like Organic Chemistry and Anatomy I started at least two weeks before. When I didn't follow this formula, I got low test scores and lots of regret.

4. Exercise can improve mental capacity and helped me stay awake in my classes. I ran most mornings, and lifted with my friends at the school gym once a week.

5. Making friends in all your classes is an easy way to build a support group and learn about people from all over the country (or world!).

6. High quality breaks can save your studying. Laura, my freshman mentor, told me high quality breaks can help you feel productive even though you are taking a break from studying. She suggested reading, taking a walk, or getting a drink with friends instead of sitting on social media. I tried it, and found much more fulfillment in every minute of every day.

What did you learn from your freshman year? Leave it in the comments below!


  1. Great post! Dad learned not to steal plants and that it can get so cold that frostbite can happen just by walking across campus. I learned that homesickness is a real thing, but can be easily overcome when you don't have a silly boyfriend at home. Once the boyfriend is dumped...par-tay!

  2. Looks like you both learned some valuable lessons :) <3
